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Thursday, April 18, 2013

tentang Uinvest


Apakah Anda ingin uang Anda tumbuh keuntungan 5-15% per bulan sampai 1-5 tahun?

      halo. Saya memperkenalkan salah satu uinvestor yang ingin berbagi tentang Uinvest
saya akan membahas salah satu penawaran investasi meningkat. Jenis investasi yang ditawarkan oleh salah satu perusahaan jasa keuangan internasional yang berbasis di Ukraina. Nama perusahaan Uinvest. Uinvest adalah perusahaan keuangan yang menjadi penghubung antara perusahaan dan investor. Uinvest didirikan pada tahun 2007, sekarang memiliki lebih dari 20 karyawan dan bermarkas di Ukraina dan kantor cabang di Amerika Serikat. Sejak tahun 2007, Uinvest telah berhasil total lebih dari $ 60 juta dalam aset keuangan sekitar 5000 lebih investor.

*** Tentang Uinvest ***

       Uinvest menawarkan kesempatan unik untuk semua orang di seluruh dunia untuk berinvestasi dalam bisnis yang nyata yang terletak di Ukraina dan Eropa Timur. Isu seputar investasi di Ukraina dan suku bunga kredit yang sangat tinggi. Hal ini membuat Uinvest menawarkan solusi yang bagus untuk masalah itu. Selain itu, pemilik usaha tidak mau berurusan dengan investor individu yang hanya menginvestasikan sejumlah kecil uang karena itu merepotkan. Di sinilah Uinvest instrumental dan mendapatkan kesenjangan. Uinvest mediator antara investor individu dengan pemilik bisnis perusahaan. Manfaat bagi pemilik bisnis dengan kehadiran Uinvest, selain modal yang dapat diperoleh dengan mudah, mereka dapat fokus pada bisnis mereka dan tidak terganggu dalam permintaan dan pertanyaan investor.

        Uinvest tidak hanya menangani investasi, tetapi menyelidiki bisnis yang kuat, profesional, dan menguntungkan. Jadi, menurunkan risiko substansial seperti yang Anda berinvestasi dalam perusahaan yang solid. Ini adalah keuntungan bagi investor dan Uinvest sendiri, karena Uinvest mendapatkan 10 persen dari dividen (bagi hasil) saham yang anda peroleh setiap bulan. Jadi, Anda dapat melihat bagaimana hal ini adalah situasi yang saling menguntungkan bagi pemilik atau bisnis pemilik bisnis, Uinvest sebagai perantara dan investor.

        Perusahaan ini telah online selama empat tahun melakukan bisnis dan membantu orang untuk berinvestasi secara lokal. Uinvest membuka pintu bagi semua orang di seluruh dunia selama hampir satu tahun sudah dan mereka terus menambahkan bisnis lebih dan lebih untuk berinvestasi dengan aman. Uinvest adalah perusahaan besar yang hanya mencari bisnis terbaik dengan resiko yang sangat minim dan pengembalian yang tinggi atas investasi Uinvestor. Ketika membeli saham sebuah perusahaan maka Anda mendapatkan penghasilan bulanan dan Uinvest akan mengambil sejumlah kecil (10 persen) dari pendapatan semua orang. Ini adalah bisnis yang nyata di mana Anda berinvestasi di dalamnya, dan mereka mengirim dokumen ditandatangani dan disegel setelah Anda berinvestasi di perusahaan tertentu .

Uinvest - Marketplace Keuangan Inovatif Dibuat untuk Anda !

*Uinvest memiliki kantor di Ukraina dan Amerika Serikat, perusahaan terdaftar dan legal :

*Perkembangan Uinvest dari Awal -2013*

* di Uinvest Total ada berbagai macam saham mungkin sudah sekitar 50 jenis saham lebih, seperti spa salon, lift, restoran, hotel, pertanian, konstruksional, kelapa sawit ,Pabrik Kimia, dll

** beberapa keuntungan dan alasan mengapa Anda bergabung di Uinvest **

* bisnis yang jelas dan memiliki kantor cabang di Inggris dan Amerika Serikat secara resmi didirikan pada tahun 2007 dan menjadi offline dan online pada tahun 2010 seperti pada gambar di atas

* dividen pendapatan atau ROI keuntungan cukup tinggi sekitar 7-15% per bulan dan itu tergantung dari saham kita memilih.

* ya, keuntungan bulanan secara tepat waktu, fleksibel jika Anda perlu dana Anda dapat menjual saham dan mengambil dana langsung (penarikan)

* deposit,Fund dan alat pembayaran banyak dan saya biasa menggunakan Liberty reserve untuk transaksi karena lebih mudah bagi saya.

* Situs sistem keamanan yang tinggi dilindungi oleh Comodo dan Trust Wave, yang lebih aman.
* layanan pelanggan dan layanan baik jika Anda tidak mengerti Anda dapat meminta admin tentang Uinvest Anda bisa mengirim email atau chatting di bagian bawah kolom.

** bagaimana proses untuk mendaftar, melakukan deposit /fund di Uinvest**

di bawah ini tutorial dan Anda bisa belajar dan melakukannya, ok :)

pertama 1. ya, Anda bisa bergabung di Uinvest di link berikut ini :

2. kemudian klik mendaftar dan mengisi username, password dan PIN, dan jangan lupa PIN karena penting untuk WD (penarikan) dan melakukan deposit.

3. melakukan deposit dengan Pembayaran Prosesor contoh lainnya: PerfectMoney, Payza, STP, Egopay, dll dan dengan FP (Mitra finnancial) ,Saran saya menggunakan FP (finnancial partner) langsung dapat menggunakan rekening bank lockal (BCA,Mandiri dll)

3. untuk cara melakukan ADD Fund > pilih dan klik Money Management > kemudian Add Fund  >cari di bawah via FP > BCA , MANDIRI , dll .

4. kemudian untuk memilih saham sesuai keinginan anda serta berdasarkan saldo yang ada :
* Klik Kolom  Assets Management

5.kemudian pilih jenis proyek yang Anda inginkan sesuai dengan saldo saham dana yang tersedia, contoh saya membeli saham OIL Palm fruit Trading lalu klik kolom akan menampilkan berikut di bawah ini:

6.Sebelum berinvestasi Anda dapat melihat Info untuk rincian lebih lanjut tentang proyek bisnis sebagai proyek sudah berjalan / diverifikasi, lokasi proyek, jumlah dana yang dibutuhkan, dan jangka waktu investasi. (Tips: pilih saham yang diverifikasi ,Started sehingga dividen / keuntungan segera berjalan dan berinvestasi di High ROI atau sahamnya sudah diverifikasi).

* Status Started penting untuk menerima profit Anda secara bulanan

    * informasi dari proyek kelapa sawit Perdagangan berjalan periode 2 tahun dengan proyek dimulai 2013/04/05. sehingga akan Akhir proyek 2015/04/05, maka jika proyek berakhir pada tahun 2015 dana Anda akan dikembalikan dengan harga dasar.

7. Anda dapat melihat Info kembali untuk Investasi menu proyek dan kemudian Anda dapat melakukan Invest atau membeli Saham tersebut dan kemudian Anda memilih berapa banyak untuk membeli saham dengan harga yang tercantum di atas dengan penjelasan.

*Price Per Share: jumlah saham per unit. 

* Montly earnings : dividen bulanan yang Anda dapat setiap bulan (dividen yang dibagikan dari tanggal pembelian saham tersebut) 
ex: OIL palm trading memiliki penghasilan dividen bulanan $ 16.25 sampai 2 tahun sesuai dengan tanggal yang kita beli saja. 

* SHARE LEFT: sisa saham 
klik untuk berapa buah dari jumlah saham kemudian akan muncul konfirmasi apakah akan menyetujui jumlah pembelian dan saham, setelah setuju kemudian klik dan saldo account Anda akan dikurangi dengan jumlah yang Anda beli.

8.kemudian Anda dapat melihat saham Anda membeli dalam pengelolaan Asset Management > Orders  penting untuk mengetahui aktivitas dan history Anda 
contoh-contoh berikut bukti:

9. Untuk melakukan Withdraw caranya :
* ke menu Money Management > Withdraw > anda dapat menggunakan FP dan atau payment processor lain (saran gunakan FP ) bisa via bank BCA ,mandiri dll prosess sampai bisa dalam hitungan menit dan jam .


**Legal company in California**

*EVENT  China Guangzhou International Investment and Finance Expo*

*Event German Expo Mei 2013*

*perhitungan akuntansi salah satu Uinvestor*

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** My portofolio **

**CERTIFICATE bukti kepemilikan saham**


** Bukti berikut penarikan uang saya di Uinvest:

*bukti pendapatan profit /deviden bulanan melalui Email*

* sistem Uinvest laba atau dividen *

* Uinvest Anda dapat bergabung dan mendapatkan dividen sebesar 5-15% per bulan tergantung pada jenis produk saham selama periode 1-5 tahun dan pada akhir periode saham yang Anda beli uang akan dikembalikan sesuai dengan proyek awal harga dasar/ipo saat pertama di luncurkan.

** Anda dapat bergabung dalam klik Uinvest

** Gunakan uang Anda dengan bijaksana **
Saya disini juga hanya member/ investor yang memberi tahu dan mewanti-wanti :
bahwa Resiko investasi khususnya di online, sangat beresiko . dimana resiko terburuknya adalah dana investasi anda hilang. Jadi bijaksanalah dalam berinvestasi online ,karena tidak ada jaminan apapun
 tidak bertanggung jawab
atas resiko yang ditimbulkan Investasi di UInvest

Jadi Harus selalu di Ingat, Investasi terutama di Uinvest itu menurut saya High Risk High Return sesuai Hukum Investasi, jadi bijaksanalah dalam memilih Investasi dan manajemen uang sesuai dengan profil resiko anda sebagai Investor.


*Information about Uinvest  in Wikipedia :

*untuk mencari video tentang Uinvest dapat juga di cari di Youtube . :)

anda dapat hubungi saya lewat email :  atau

semoga kita sukses bersama :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Do you want your money growing 5-15% profit per month until 1-5 years?

      hello .I introduce one uinvestor who want to share about Uinvest
we will discuss one of the investment offer on the rise. These types of investments offered by one of the international financial services company based in Ukraine. The company name is Uinvest. Uinvest is a financial company that became a liaison between companies and investors. Uinvest established in 2007, now has more than 20 employees and is headquartered in Ukraine and branch offices in the United States. Since 2007, Uinvest has managed a total of more than $ 60 million in financial assets around 5000 investors.

***Overview of UInvest ***

       Uinvest offers a unique opportunity for all people around the world to invest in a real business that is located in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Issues surrounding investment in Ukraine and lending rates are very high. This makes Uinvest offers a great solution to that problem. In addition, business owners do not want to deal with individual investors who only invest a small amount of money because it's a hassle. This is where Uinvest instrumental and get the gap. Uinvest a mediator between individual investors with the company's business owners. Benefits for business owners with Uinvest presence, in addition to capital that can be obtained easily, they can focus on their business and not impaired in demand and investor inquiries.

        Uinvest not only handle the investment, but investigate businesses a powerful, professional, and profitable. Thus, lowering the risk of substantial as you invest in a solid company. This is the advantage for investors and Uinvest own, because Uinvest get 10 percent of the dividends (profit sharing) shares you earn each month. So, you can see how this is a win win situation for the business owner or business owner, Uinvest as intermediaries and investors.

        This company has been online for four years doing business and helping people to invest locally. Uinvest opened the door for all people around the world for almost a year already and they keep adding more and more businesses to invest safely. Uinvest is a great company that is only looking for the best business with very minimal risk and high return on investment Uinvestor. When buying shares of a company then you get a monthly income and Uinvest will take a small amount (10 percent) of the income of all people. This is a real business where you invest in them, and they sent a document signed and sealed once you invest in a particular company..

UInvest – Innovative Financial Marketplace Created for You!

UInvest has offices in Ukraine and USA, registered enterprise and legal

then is the history and development of uinvest evolution

Uinvest registered in Ukraina

Uinvest registered in USA ,California
EIN is 45-2545679, Entity Number is C3385516.

UInvest also listed as a member of Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce

contact for information 

yes the above information is importance to investors about the company full info about Uinvest

===Uinvest CROWDFUNDING 2012===

*This annual event in China. and this time the official representative Uinvest take a stand there.*

*in UINVEST total there are various kinds of stocks may have been around 50 types of stocks, such as spa salon, elevator, bungalow, restaurant, hotel, Agricultural, Constructional, Chemical Plant, etc

**yes, the advantages and reasons why you join in Uinvest**

*clear business and has offices in the UK and the USA officially established in 2007 and became offline and online in 2010 as in the image above

*dividend income or profit ROI is quite high about 7-20% per month and it depends of the stocks we choose  it.

*yes, the monthly profit in a timely, flexible if you need funds you can sell stocks and take immediate funds (withdrawal)

*deposit and payment tool a lot and I used to use Liberty reserve for the transaction because it is easier for me.

*high security systems website is protected by Comodo and Trust Wave, a more secure.

*customer service and the service is good if you do not understand you can ask the admin about Uinvest you can email or chat at the bottom of the column.

**how the process to register, deposit at Uinvest and make Invest **

its tutorial and you can learn and do it , ok :)

first 1. yes , you can join in uinvest in the following link 

2. then click register and fill out username, password and PIN, and do not forget PIN because it is important for the WD (withdrawal) and make deposit.

3. make a deposit or fund can use make an fund with other Payment Processor ex:PerfectMoney ,Payza,STP,Egopay, etc and with FP (finnancial Partner) and Upay 

4.for  Fund and then to make a deposit you can to navigation Money Management> Add funds> choose FP and other Payment processor > input the amount of money then OK

5. select stocks that you want and according to your balance by:
* Click Column of Asset management

6.then select the type of project you want in accordance with the balance of shares your funds are available, the example I bought OIL Palm fruit Trading then click the column will display the following below :

7.before invest you can see the Info for more details about the business project as the project is already running / verified, the location of the project , the amount of funding is needed, and the time period of the investment. (Tips : select stocks that are verified so that the dividend / profit soon runs and invest in High ROI  or its shares were already verified)

*Status started is important to receive your montly earning Ok ,

   *of information from the project Trading Oil palm goes 2-year period with    the project started 04/05/2013 . so will End project is 04/05/2015 , then if project end in 2015 your funds will be returned with a base price .

8. you can see Info back to Invest project menu and then you can click Invest Now and then you choose how many shares to buy a price that was listed above with an explanation .

*price per share: the number of shares per unit price.

*monthly earnings: monthly dividends that you can each month (dividends distributed from the date of purchase of such shares)
ex : elevators have a monthly earning dividend  $ 2.9 until 4 years according to the date that we buy it.

*Share Left: the remaining shares
click to how many pieces of the number of shares will then appear confirming whether to agree to the purchase amount and the shares, after agreeing then click and your account balance will be reduced by the amount you buy.

9.then you can see the shares you purchase in the column asset management > Order its important for know your activity the following examples of evidence :

10. For Withdrawal you can follow step , click Money Management > Withdrawal > and you can choose your payment processor you want , can VIA FP

** My portofolio **

**My certificate**

** the following proof of  withdrawal of my money in Uinvest :

Withdrawal following the other evidence by my friend :

*proof of Monthly dividends in email :

*the system of Uinvest of profit or dividend*

*Uinvest you can join and get a dividend of 5-15% per month depending on the type of product shares over a period of 1-5 years and at the end of the stock you buy the money will be refunded in accordance initial project is the base price.

**you can join in  UInvest click

** Use your money wisely **

the new website Uinvest (beta) more faster to access and there are new features..

More video in youtube about Uinvest :

*Uinvest Investors Success Stories *

#1 Jerzy Lipowicz 2011-05-13 18:10
I am a disabled person and thanks to Uinvest I have $ 50 a month. This money partly covers the cost of my rehabilitation. What I like best about Uinvest is their customer-friendly attitude and innovative ideas for creating a comapany.
As a young person I am looking for ways to become financially independent. I am learning to invest and practise my English. My old laptop computer is the main tool I can use in my school-work and communicating with friends. Unfortunately, it doesn't meet requiments of new computer programs which I need to continue my education.
Thank you!

#2 Jakub Nowak 2011-05-21 20:53
I heard about Uinvest last August. I've been very skeptical and careful at first, but now I know that Uinvest is very trustful and stable investment option. I made my first investment and in 45 days received my certificate papers by post. Few days ago I've sold my shares to test this function and everthing worked perfectly. In few minutes I got my money on e-currency account(Liberty Reserve). I'm going to buy more shares in few days. I can recommend this site to everyone, trust me, it's a great deal!

#3 sony 2011-05-21 03:34
I am going to be terse. Here I go. It all started last December 2010. A friend of mine had discovered uinvest and told me about it. At first I did not pay attention to it. Why? Because I did not know anything about investment on Internet and I thought that uinvest was like most hyips. From then up to now I have been learning about this kind of investments. I have not been found any other option like uinvest, I mean, the business idea. That is why my confidence have been increasing.
I have invested a lot of money from last December 2010 up to now. Today May 21st 2011 I have recovered all principal investment. I do not like to talk about how much money I have invested, I hope that you are able to understand about it.
I am not nobody who can give you a piece of advice but I am going to do my best respect to this. My advice is just to give a chance. There are a lot of shares about a restaurant that its cost is 14 bucks so buy 1 share only one and wait for a month. At the same time you could see all the movements that investors perform. You could read the forum. Then at the end get your monthly earnings and enjoy them.
I bought something that I really wanted and was waiting for some time when I get my first monthly earnings.
This is the only thing I can tell, I mean, my story the rest is up to you.

*Uinvest had entered in Daily Finance article, a well-known site in the USA formed AOL in the financial sector which has recognized the success of Uinvest.. :

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**more information about Uinvest  is good Company **
*information from yahoo 2011 about Uinvest :

*information about Upay System

*Information about Uinvest  in Wikipedia :

*for further information contact me via email at:  (or)